All signals will be asked to complete the signal application risk assessment. This is now hard coded into the app and we do not require proof of ID or address to be attached. On completing the form, they will be reviewed by our account managers and compliance team. Along with their respective risk score we will also consider the trade history of the linked account including opening balance. If the signal is not approved, we will email them explaining that they have not met the criteria and encourage them to link as a copier or provide further trade history.
They may not be approved due to any of the following:
• Initial balance of the account is below $500 (This leads to misleading statistics and inflated returns)
• They have not traded for more than 6 months with the account linked (if you have proof of 6 months trading with another account, please send it)
• The Max Drawdown is too high (Signals who reach drawdown over 55% are hidden automatically)
• You have traded too infrequently (there is no specific threshold if a signal regularly pauses for long period or trades erratically, they will not be approved)
• Their current balance is too low because they have withdrawn funds (this has a similar distorting affect on stats as a low initial balance)